the most exciting thing that has happened is that in the last month we have become aware that delia knows her alphabet. i don't mean her abc's. i mean she can look at a letter and knows which one it is! we discovered this when she had a box of barley in her hands and was shaking it and then out of nowhere she points to the b and says "BEEEEEEE!". my mom was over and we both looked at her like, for real? then i said it was probably just a coincence. then a few seconds later she points to the y and says "WHY!!". then we handed her something else and when she saw the o on the label, she pointed and said "OH!". so then i got curious and we went through a bunch of letters and as of today she knows them all! if you take her etch a sketch and draw a letter on it, she can tell you what it is. she makes a few mistakes here and there, but she gets it right 99% of the time. i bought flash cards and we work on them every couple of days and a friend just got her some bathtube letters. they will all be floating and she will say "I" and pick up the i and stick it to the wall. so exciting! not saying she is a genius, but this is pretty exciting for a 20 month old and i didn't even really work with her on this. and she doesn't watch that much tv either! so i think she just picks up on things super fast. which makes me say "uh oh!" i better start watching what i say around her! haha. for those of you not keeping up with me on facebook (which stays very current), i am posting pictures of our life over the last 8 months. :) starting with the birth of Suzannah (aka Zannah) Grace. :)
June - July 2010