Monday, May 14, 2012
Mother's Day Weekend
Mother's Day Weekend...was so beautiful! We have had a month of yucky Saturdays that have kept us inside and just bored. However, the clouds parted and Mr. Golden Sun decided to shine on us and Saturday morning we headed out for a family drive. We live about 80 miles from the Bighorn Mountains and you can see them off in the distance from our town. They look like a hologram. So, off we drove. The tallest mountain this range is Cloud Peak standing almost at 14k feet. It is hard to see bc it is almost always covered in clouds (hence it's name). But there was a lot of beauty to be seen. I am always amazed how you can drive under a hundred miles and encounter so many different landscapes. Where we live is rolling plains with a few buttes. The sky is big and the spaces are wide open! As we drove towards Buffalo it begins to dip and you can see where the water has eroded deep ruts in the earth. Then within a few miles you are in the mountains. There was still snow in many places and tons of pine trees. Near the top I commented that it looked a lot like Mordor...the mountains that Frodo and Sam (and Gollum) had to climb to get to Mordor to drop the ring. Then once you got over the mountain on the other side, it was rolling fields, high cliffs, rock formations and down into pasture land with sheep! All of this in a very short drive. I love it. I posted tons of my pictures on facebook (bc it is so much more user friendly) but will include a few from our drive here.
Then on Mother's Day we went out for a brunch and then to Wal-Mart for some plants to make our apartment feel more like a home. Delia and I ate yogurt pops while Daddy did some work and we just enjoyed the nice, warm weather and being together. Someone was grillin while we were hanging our plants and I mentioned that I wanted a burger for dinner. Chris went back to Wal-Mart for an outdoor trash can and came home with a grill and burgers to cook. he put that joker together and we cooked out. Now when we sit out on our patio we have beautiful flowers hanging in pots and tomato plants as well as a grill. The hubs is too good to me. :)
I am so blessed to have the little family that we do and the husband that God has blessed me with. Love them!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Ok, so I love to poke around and read blogs, especially if I truly know the person or if I feel inspired upon reading it. What I don't get is how people make the time to blog consistently. Like, where do they come up with this time? Do they do it while their kids nap? While Dora is on? LATE at night or EARLY in the morning? Or does it just take them like HOURS to write a few paragraphs and they write a little each time they pass by their computer? I don't know...but it seems that I have about 6 months to a year between posts. One would think that my life is either very busy and I don't have time or very boring and I have nothing to share. Neither is true. I am just a slacker. I just forget. I just get distracted too easily. I keep telling myself that I will blog more often. But I find a one liner easier to post on FB. I find it easier to post my pics on FB than on this dumb blogger thing (am I just retarded??? Every time i go to post pics, it seems to take forever and the order is all off and I get frustrated!). Maybe if I were to just open my blog each morning it would cause me to think of something to write every few days. I don't know. Today what is on the agenda is; to bake some pumpkin bread for new neighbors, eat breakfast, deliver the bread and let them know we are meeting some other moms at the park if they want to join us, go to the park, come home for baths, dishes, pick up the house, make dinner, clean up dinner, go to the gym, definitely some Dora and play time in there and if time permits chalk and maybe some cross stitch for me somewhere in this busy day! Life is good. I am thankful for such a full life and happy kids who are healthy to boot! So here is to Spring. Here is to life. Here is to the Author and Creator of my story...which is worth I just have to make time to write it all down!
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