Thursday, December 18, 2008

His plan...not mine...

Well, this isn't the way I would have chosen for all of it to happen. This isn't the timing I would have chosen. In fact, I had a was all nice and clean and relatively safe. Aren't our plans always a little safe? Anyhow, as you know we got married on Oct. 17th about 9 weeks ago...and after our Dr. appointment today it is confirmed that we are about 9 weeks pregnant (if you go from conception...not sure if you know how the pregnancy calculation works from the Dr., but they add two weeks to that time because they go from your last that would be 11 weeks according to the Dr.). I wanted to wait until May or June to start trying to get pregnant...but God had other plans. I would never have chosen to get pregnant while Chris is unemployed, but God had other plans. And as all of us know, His plans are to prosper us (first and foremost spiritually) plans of hope and a future. So, here we go on the trust rollercoaster! haha. Anyhow, we got an ultrasound a month ago and got to see the little flicker of the heartbeat. The baby looked like a lima bean then, and I affectionately call it "Lima Bean Wooten". :) He doesn't really like that I call it that, so when we are together we refer to it as "The little Woot-Woot". haha. He is sooooooooooooo excited! Which helps me to be more excited. It is all still surreal for me. However, we went in today for our second appointment...I thought we would be getting a sonogram, however we misunderstood and they did a doppler of the heartbeat. Our baby has a strong heartbeat (140) and we are excited. Also our doctor said his percentage of c-sections is only about 25-30% and he really prefers to deliver vaginally. We also found out that we will be allowed to use the birthing tub at the hospital. I wasn't sure because we don't have insurance and I qualify for Medic-aid, so I thought maybe the birthing tub might be reserved for those who have good insurance, but nope! Even us poor folk get to use it! woot woot!

I thought I had told more people this, but I guess I didn't. Before I ever even talked to Chris on the phone, I had a dream that I was having his baby in a birthing tub and he was in the tub with me and coaching me and encouraging me. I woke up right as the baby was born. So I have no idea the gender or anything like that. But it was after this dream that I had a strong feeling that he was definitely the one because I have never in my life had a dream like that! Then when I found out that I was pregnant and we have a birthing tub here locally...I almost died! I was like, wow, Lord, you are crazy cool! Because the birthing tub is new here. Like within the last year. :)

So that is my exciting news! I will keep you posted as to how we are doing. I will say I am so impatient and can NOT wait to find out if it is a girl or a boy!!!! Please keep Chris in your prayers as he had a job interview on Tues. and should find out tonight or tomorrow if he got the job. We really need him to get this job!

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