So, my big news is that yesterday I felt this child and it seemed like she might have been break dancing inside of me. :) I have felt her flutter, but this was different. She was like moving big time and then paused, and then moved really big again. So big in fact that it warranted a text to Chris while he was working. I have been thinking about WHO this child will be. I can't wait to meet her (I use the gender loosely in case the dr. was wrong...I don't want my heart to be set on Delia Ann and then out pops Doxie Munroe). Will she be feisty and wild? Will she be super outgoing knowing very few bounds? Will she be a bookworm? Will she LOVE animals like I do? Will she love to cook like her daddy? Will she be laid back? Of course all I hope for her is that she LOVES Jesus like crazy. I pray this every day! That the Holy Spirit is already talking to her and imparting wisdom and love to her so that from a very young age she knows the Lord. I just can't wait for her to arrive so I can meet her and get to know her. I think that up until now, it has all be very surreal and I have only believed that I am pregnant because the Dr. tells me I am and bc mother nature doesn't visit me each month. But now that she is moving around in there and I can tell that there is a human in there, I am getting so excited. I have common fears too...will we have all we need, can we afford this, will she be healthy, are we going to have to move right after she is born, can we handle me not working, etc. But then I think about her and I am like, wow. A life...a being entrusted to me. Awesome!
I am including some pics of me in the last couple of weeks so you can see how we are progressing. they are in reverse order, not sure why...i uploaded them in order...the first was taken on 3/17, second on 3/9 and the third on 2/29. again, the weight gain is on track, so as I get bigger, I just try to remember that I am NOT a heifer, I am pregnant and I am using self control/self discipline and I refuse to "live it up" as many people have told me to do since this is the only time in life I can get away with it. I may get away with it until July, but I so don't want a 10 pound baby and I don't want gestational diabetes and I DON'T want to lose a million pounds after she arrives. Well, I do, but I want to lose the million I intended to lose before I got pregnant...not the million I gained when I got pregnant! haha.
Love to all of you...let me know how you are!
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