Sunday, April 26, 2009

Well, I just wanted to post some more pictures. It is heating up in NC. I took my classes to the Knoxville Zoo the other day and was fine until I entered the gift shop and realized just how hot I was. The school bus has a/c, but it wasn't doing much good for me. We got home like three or so hours later and I was all splotchy and hot and actually had to take a cold shower to regulate. Chris took me to dinner because he knew I was tired and he didn't want to cook. :) So we went to one of my favorite places called Mama G's. It is Itallian and I had tortellini in alfredo. Holy smokes it was amazing. I slept hard that night. I will have to be extra careful as we near summer to not allow myself to get too hot.

I ordered new glasses yesterday, so in a few weeks I will post more pics with my new glasses and my ever expanding baby bump.

This morning we slept in and skipped church. It was much needed after waking up every single day (including Saturdays) at 5:30am. We just laid around and watched a couple of sermon's on tv and the baby was moving like crazy!!! He would put his hand on my belly and push with his finger, and she would actually push back. We both were like, how cool is that? He puts his mouth on my belly and talks to her too. Apparently, babies hear lower he talks to her in his deep voice. :)

My mom and I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and bought some super cute newborn outfits that are summery. I really want a second sonogram to see if this child is really a girl. Oh my goodness what will we do if the other 10% is right??? *sigh*

Well, just wanted to post more pics.

Love y'all!

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