Sunday, April 26, 2009

Well, I just wanted to post some more pictures. It is heating up in NC. I took my classes to the Knoxville Zoo the other day and was fine until I entered the gift shop and realized just how hot I was. The school bus has a/c, but it wasn't doing much good for me. We got home like three or so hours later and I was all splotchy and hot and actually had to take a cold shower to regulate. Chris took me to dinner because he knew I was tired and he didn't want to cook. :) So we went to one of my favorite places called Mama G's. It is Itallian and I had tortellini in alfredo. Holy smokes it was amazing. I slept hard that night. I will have to be extra careful as we near summer to not allow myself to get too hot.

I ordered new glasses yesterday, so in a few weeks I will post more pics with my new glasses and my ever expanding baby bump.

This morning we slept in and skipped church. It was much needed after waking up every single day (including Saturdays) at 5:30am. We just laid around and watched a couple of sermon's on tv and the baby was moving like crazy!!! He would put his hand on my belly and push with his finger, and she would actually push back. We both were like, how cool is that? He puts his mouth on my belly and talks to her too. Apparently, babies hear lower he talks to her in his deep voice. :)

My mom and I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and bought some super cute newborn outfits that are summery. I really want a second sonogram to see if this child is really a girl. Oh my goodness what will we do if the other 10% is right??? *sigh*

Well, just wanted to post more pics.

Love y'all!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cute stuff

Well, several years ago I bought a new bed after hurting my back. It cost me quite a bit of money and I thought it was a good bed. However, when Chris moved here, I gave him my bed bc he didn't have one here and he has repeatedly told me that my bed is HORRIBLE! Then we got married and two people on my bed is even worse. We both wake up with HORRIBLE backaches and I have a hitch in my hip. He has told me every single day since Oct. 17th he has told me that once we get his bed I will realize how bad my bed is. Well, this past weekend we drove to his dad's house in NW TN to pick up his bed and a few other things he had in storage. I have to say, the man is right yet again. We slept on his bed while we were there and I never sleep truly good when I am away from home so I couldn't make a real assessment of the bed, but after coming home last night and sleeping on it, dang it all!!!! I love his bed. My back doesn't ache and my hip hitch is significantly lessened. I only woke up once to pee (which in and of itself is nearly miraculous!) and I am thinking that it isn't that I had to go the bathroom so often before as much as I would wake up more often and when I would wake up, I would realize I had to use the bathroom. So, I am looking forward to much more quality sleep.

Also, his step mom got the baby a bunch of really cute clothes. To let you know his dad's sense of humor, when she arrived (she currently resided in Memphis and drives up to TN on the weekends until she can retire) he took her aside and said we changed the baby's name to Rebekah. This resulted in this kind, sweet woman using expletives. haha. Because as you can see...she got a bunch of the stuff monogrammed! She has a friend who monograms things, so that is nice and the stuff is so cute!!! So while things aren't important to me, I thought I would share the cutie things. All I can is that this baby better be a girl! :) There is one more bib that I didn't post that says "mommy loves me" and has her name on it. Just didn't want anyone to think I was being left out and daddy wasn't ;)

I was also amazed to see his dad's home. A year or so ago three tornadoes went through his town at once and actually combined forces. His house was left unharmed because he lives in a hollow with two high ridges on either side of his home. However, all of the trees down was crazy. Then a few weeks after that a huge wind storm blew through and due to the tornadoes...the trees had been loosened which resulted on a HUGH tree falling straight through the middle of his home. So he has been in a state of serious repair. Chris might go up and help him if his job ends and leaves him a few weeks or so between jobs. Chris thinks that he can finish it up in a few is just more than a one man job between the ceiling, floor, moving all the furniture around and adding a back room and a deck/porch. The roof has been done and it has all new trusses. I guess we can all sit back and thank God for our blessings, huh?

Well, I hope you are well!!! Drop me a line soon!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If bigger is better, then I am doing just fine!

Bigger is better! Isn't that what they say? Not sure if I totally agree, but I will say I am getting bigger. I can feel my body changing. I have checked out books on natural painless (is there such a thing?) childbirth and nursing. I plan to ONLY nurse for the first year of this child's life (with pumping/bottles for night and daddy shared feedings...but no formula if I can help it). There is a Le Leche League in Waynesville, about an hour away and I will attend a meeting next month. According to my books the best way to learn to properly nurse is by observation. So, I will go and hear these women, observe and take in as much info as I can and keep reading. I will miss next month's meeting because I won't have the day off from school, but I do have one friend here who just had a baby and she said I am more than welcome to observe and ask questions whenever I want. Then I will hit up the next Le Leche meeting in June and then this sweet child will arrive in July and hopefully I will have a good headstart and be a successful nursing mom. My own mom (who was a Le Leche League leader and nursed all of us) is concerned that I might freak out if this doesn't work out. Most of you know I had breast reduction surgery when I was 16 (which is the second best decision I made...after accepting Jesus of course) and this can hinder your milk production. But from everything I have read online, it should be ok...I might have to pump to psyche my milk ducts out and make them produce more than their share since I might be lacking some duct work. Again, it is an opportunity to trust God. He knows how badly I want to nurse my babies, so I trust He will make a way for that to happen.

Life here is ok. We are finalizing our taxes tonight!!!! Which isn't as easy as it always used to be since he drove a truck and has to go through a bunch of receipts to write off etc. Whereas in the past it took me like 45 minutes TOPS to do my simple taxes. But once it is done, we can heave a sigh of relief until next year.

It snowed here yesterday all day. It wasn't cold enough for it to stick, but it flurried like crazy with wind gusts blowing the flakes around all day long. The kids were loving it. We are finishing SAT testing tomorrow and then Easter break begins. And let me tell you that 3:30 tomorrow afternoon can not come quick enough!!!! BRING IT ON!!! No big plans. We will go visit Chris's dad for Easter and then I am laying low for the entire week. I will sleep in, rest, read, and snuggle with my three fur children. I hope to feel refreshed by the end of the break. Lord knows I need it.

Well, I hope all of you have a fabulous Easter reflecting on the great sacrifice Jesus made for us! Let me know how you are doing.

moe & delia ann